Sunday, October 24, 2010

Improvement of the current financial report

To Internet applications and e-business for the characteristics of the new economic model so that people on the accounting information content and higher requirements. The current financial report has been increasingly unable to meet the requirements of economic development, an urgent need to reform and improve.

The basic goal of accounting system users to meet the information requirements of the accounting information quality characteristics. Financial reporting accounting information as a carrier of a comprehensive expression and its basic objective is to provide decision making information useful to users of accounting information. Modern financial reporting in large enterprises to meet the accounting information disclosed in Xu Yao, in the stable Jingjiyunxing, to help investors make correct decisions Deng Fangmianfahui an important Zuoyong. In recent years, there has been a large number of in software, biotechnology, Internet and other high-tech industry high-tech enterprises, the application of the Internet and e-commerce features, creating a new economic model, while the industry is working with a large number of traditional information technology and emerging new technologies to transform their own. This constant innovation and economic form of arrival is bound to the basic environment of accounting under attack, which led people to accounting information content and has kept improving. The current financial report has been increasingly unable to meet the requirements of economic development, an urgent need to reform and improve.

Improve financial reporting principles to be followed

Leading principles of financial accounting reform. Financial reporting and the source of the information system to record, process, delivery methods and rules closely linked to, any major reform of the financial report, must consider the reform of the financial accounting system.

Table priority principle. Financial reporting reform should give priority to reform of the financial statements, our financial statements more consideration of authenticity and reliability of financial statements, but their usefulness and relevance of considering less.

Principle to meet the demand. Financial report should satisfy the relevant interest groups as much as possible the information needs, use of standard methods and empirical on the Combination of Fangfa the information of the user's demands and to establish viable financial reporting framework system.

Cost-effective. Financial reporting refers to the cost report to improve or expand the quality or quantity of information disclosure, the paid labor costs and various unfavorable factors that may occur. People in determining the content of financial reporting, disclosure and disclosure of frequency issues, cost and benefit factors should be measured and judged.

Expand the information content of financial reports

Not reflect the current financial report the value of intangible assets and goodwill, not reflected in human capital, thereby underestimating the total assets. Under the current accounting system, investment in human expenditure, no matter what amount, should be as current expenses, which makes human assets are substantially undervalued at a cost greatly. This is also the current financial reporting more and more criticism by one of the main. Address the human resources information disclosure, we should thoroughly study the human resources theory and method of measurement, and to further explore the confirmation of human capital.

Non-financial information disclosure. Non-financial information disclosure can help information users a more comprehensive understanding of enterprise business ideas, make up the shortage of financial data. Include non-financial enterprises are facing the background information, business performance, business opportunities and risks facing the enterprise personnel recruiting, training, organization and development, business related-party transactions, corporate substantial shareholders, investors and corporate managers on financial data analysis report and other information.

Information on the company's disclosure of future projections. In theory, the preparation of a complete financial report is the ideal forecast disclosure forms, but the preparation of financial reports of such forecasts is technically more difficult. Therefore, the disclosure of the value of enterprise future trend information, should be as detailed as possible disclosure of balance sheet and forecast the future value of some related business information such as business investment, market share, enterprise development prospects, profitability forecasts, management vision , opportunities and risks facing businesses and business innovation ability of information, users of financial reports for the forecast trend in the future value of companies providing useful information services. And, should also pay attention to the derivative financial instruments arising from the slope of return and risk information disclosure, thereby enhancing the users of financial reports for investment and credit decisions are correct.

Improve the timeliness of the preparation of real-time reporting

Current knowledge of product life cycles, business activity will not increasingly significant uncertainty alone accounting Baogao previous regular prepared statement can not be good De Manzu users of the need, and therefore must subsequently a Tigong timely information of Cai Wu reporting system. On the one hand, regular reports will continue to exist as a basis for allocation of financial results; other hand, the use of modern information technology to provide real-time. With the development of electronic commerce, accounting treatment of a variety of data required for more and more directly in electronic form, exists in the network and computers, accounting information system as an open system. As the account data into complex operations of financial reporting data, the process has been incorporated into the computer as a calculating procedure, the accounting staff handling accounts for a complete computer will automatically generate reports, so has the possibility of producing real-time reports.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ali Mama assets will pass into the listed company Alibaba

November 21, according to Hong Kong media reports, sources said Ali, Alibaba Group, will be injected into the mother has been listed on Alibaba B2B companies, Ali Mama wholly owned by the Alibaba Group, is a distribution platform for online advertising website.

Alibaba Group yesterday formally announced the launch of Ali Mama, the site aims to create a distribution platform for online advertising, the advertisers and personal blog site with the small channel between, and to extract from each transaction, a commission of 8%.

According to reports, this year on August 10 since the opening of trial operation, now Ali has established a mother more than 150,000 small and medium sized websites and 135,000 blog advertising network.

Ali launched her mother affected by the news, once Mogao Alibaba shares to 38.5 Hong Kong dollars yesterday.

In today's early trading, as of 10:35, shares rose 0.75 Hong Kong dollars to 36.3 Hong Kong dollars, or 2.11%.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some terms related to the domain name explained

IP stands for InternetProtocol, that is, "Internet Protocol"; The agreement provides for a computer on the network logo; is an IP address. The current use of the Internet is Ipv4 namely: the four 8-bit binary number that identifies a network address, in order to facilitate memory, usually convert these binary numbers of 10 decimal.

Public network IP: PublicIP, under which Internet-based independent IP, access to public network IP of the computer can directly access the Internet on any computer.

Private Network IP: PrivateIP, the private IP, use the IP of the connection is usually Intarnet (LAN-LAN, MAN-MAN, District-wide) way to access Internet, can only access the private network IP of the computer can not by other computer on the Internet direct access.

Dynamic IP stands for DynamicIP, that is, after each access to the computer network will automatically get an IP, but every time the IP will not be exactly the same.

The whole process is called static IP StaticIP, after which each will be given access to a computer network in exactly the same IP.

Root domain

The top level domain TLD (TopLevelDomain),

For example, the domain root is, root domain is


DNS stands for DomainNameSystem the "Domain Name System", the system responsible for domain name resolution into the corresponding IP.


ISP stands for InternetServiceProvider, the Internet service provider; China Telecom is one of China's leading ISP.


So-called "pan-Domain" is a domain under the root of all sub-domain name not set up a collection, not including the Pan-domain has been successfully set up a sub-domain name record.


URL (UniformResoureLocator: Uniform Resource Locator), which from left to right consists of the following components:

Resources: the http://, ftp://, and other resources name.

Server Address: the server name.

Path: the location of the resources needed to access

Port: access to some resources are given the appropriate server port.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dreamweaver MX Ultradev Exploration (Foreword)

Dreamweaver MX for Ultradev (Foreword)

Today get the Dreamweaver MX, this is my third hand MX product of the (previously Flash MX, ColdFusion MX), MX-year this year can really ah! Since over the years, Macromedia MX's good news on one after another, we wait, right away, the fourth of the (Fireworks MX). I am really a bit for the Macromedia worry: after the next version of these products what the name, and Oh. BS, dry get right to it.

The MX is now available not only in the background areas Asp, Jsp, Coldfusion and also and Php Coldfusion MX, you can choose the room be large, happy now!鏀寔鏈?柊鐨凜oldfusion MX tag锛岃皟璇旵oldfusion MX浠g爜, 瀹屽叏鏀寔 Datasets,DataGrid,Datalist.

銆??鍚姩MX (浠ュ悗鍦ㄦ枃绔犱腑閮藉彨MX浜嗭紝Dreamwerver涓嶅姞浜嗭紝鎵撳瓧楹荤儲)锛屽惎鍔ㄧ晫闈㈠拰Flash MX鎰熻宸殑锛岀殑纭垜鎯冲埆鐨凪X浜у搧鍙兘閮芥槸杩欐牱鐨勫惂锛佽繘鍏ョ晫闈互鍚庡竷灞?拰Flash MX寰堣薄锛岄潰鏉块鑹插拰浣嶇疆閮芥槸宸笉澶氱殑锛岃繖鏂归潰鐨勭粺涓?娇寰楀箍澶х殑浣跨敤鐫?洿鍔犲鏄撲笂鎵嬩簡銆傛垜浠湪杩欓噷涓昏璁ㄨApplication闈㈡澘(鍥犱负鍜孉sp鏈夊叧鐨勪笢瑗块兘鍦ㄨ繖閲屼簡)锛屽叾浠栭潰鏉挎垜浠氨涓嶅湪姝ゆ帰璁ㄤ簡锛岄偅鏄?铏庣殑浜嬫儏锛屽鏋滄槸鏂版墜锛屾垜鍙兘鍦ㄦ鍚戜綘璇存姳姝変簡銆?br />
銆??鍛婅瘔澶у涓ソ娑堟伅锛屾垜鍙戠幇MX涓殑鍚庡彴閮ㄥ垎鍜屼互鍓嶇殑UD濂借薄鍖哄埆涓嶅ぇ銆備粬鐨勫姛鑳芥爣绛惧叏鍖呭惈鍦ˋpplication闈㈡澘涓?濡傚浘qy-1)锛屽崟鍑籄pplication锛岀湅鍒版病锛屼互鍓嶅湪UD涓粡甯哥湅鍒扮殑涓滆タ鍏ㄩ儴鍦ㄨ繖閲屽嚭鐜颁簡銆?br />


銆??灞曞紑Application闈㈡澘锛岋紙濡傚浘qy-2锛?br />銆??Database锛氬畾涔夋暟鎹簱杩炴帴
銆??Bindings锛氳繘琛屾暟鎹粦瀹?br />銆??Server behaviors锛氳涓猴紙鍔熻兘鏈?锛屾渶寮哄ぇ鐨勫湴鏂癸級
銆??Components锛氬湪Asp涓紝杩欎釜闈㈡澘鏄敤涓嶇潃鐨?br />銆??鎴戞兂杩欎簺涓滆タ澶у涓?湅灏卞緢浜插垏鍚с?閫夋嫨Database鏍囩锛岀湅鍒版病锛岃繕鏈夊府鍔╀簡锛屽憡璇変綘浣跨敤姝ラ锛屽浜庢柊鎵嬫潵璇达紝鍙互杈瑰仛杈瑰銆備笉閿欙紝闈炲父涓嶉敊銆?br />


銆??杩樻湁涓?釜寰堥噸瑕佺殑鍦版柟灏辨槸宸ュ叿鏍忎簡锛屼笢瑗垮緢澶氾紝涓嶈繃鎴戜滑涓昏鏄鍚庡彴锛屽拰鎴戜滑鏈夊叧鐨勪富瑕佹槸ASP鏍囩鍜孉pplication鏍囩锛堝鍥緌y-3锛?br />




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