Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some terms related to the domain name explained

IP stands for InternetProtocol, that is, "Internet Protocol"; The agreement provides for a computer on the network logo; is an IP address. The current use of the Internet is Ipv4 namely: the four 8-bit binary number that identifies a network address, in order to facilitate memory, usually convert these binary numbers of 10 decimal.

Public network IP: PublicIP, under which Internet-based independent IP, access to public network IP of the computer can directly access the Internet on any computer.

Private Network IP: PrivateIP, the private IP, use the IP of the connection is usually Intarnet (LAN-LAN, MAN-MAN, District-wide) way to access Internet, can only access the private network IP of the computer can not by other computer on the Internet direct access.

Dynamic IP stands for DynamicIP, that is, after each access to the computer network will automatically get an IP, but every time the IP will not be exactly the same.

The whole process is called static IP StaticIP, after which each will be given access to a computer network in exactly the same IP.

Root domain

The top level domain TLD (TopLevelDomain),

For example, the domain root is www.name.com name.com,

www.name.com.cn root domain is name.com.cn.


DNS stands for DomainNameSystem the "Domain Name System", the system responsible for domain name resolution into the corresponding IP.


ISP stands for InternetServiceProvider, the Internet service provider; China Telecom is one of China's leading ISP.


So-called "pan-Domain" is a domain under the root of all sub-domain name not set up a collection, not including the Pan-domain has been successfully set up a sub-domain name record.


URL (UniformResoureLocator: Uniform Resource Locator), which from left to right consists of the following components:

Resources: the http://, ftp://, and other resources name.

Server Address: the server name.

Path: the location of the resources needed to access

Port: access to some resources are given the appropriate server port.

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